Guidelines for authors


The papers submitted to Padel Scientific Journal must be original, unpublished, and shall not be simultaneously submitted for publication to any other journal. There are NO fees for the submission of papers in PadelSciJ. Articles may be published in Spanish and/or English.

The papers that do not conform to the format and editorial standards will be returned to their authors for adaptation and modification. Articles will be subjected to a double evaluation process. At first, the Editorial Committee will select the papers received, assessing whether they meet the requirements for quality academic publications. If the manuscript adequately fulfills the conditions defined by the Editorial Board, it will be sent on for the anonymous peer review process by at least two external reviewers. In case of disagreement between the two reviewers of the evaluated article, either a third reviewer or another assessment by the Editorial Committee will be assigned.

Once evaluated, the reviewer´s comments, and the acceptance report, acceptance with modifications or rejection, prepared by the evaluators, will be sent to the authors.

Acceptance and publication of papers: once a paper has been definitively evaluated and accepted, the corresponding author will be notified by email.

The journal establishes the following papers formats:

- Original articles.

- Literature reviews

- Practical and/or didactic experiences, with their corresponding justification and sections, including bibliographical references.

Bioethical aspects

Papers presented to be evaluated by the Padel Scientific Journal involving experimentation with human beings must respect the updated regulations of the Declaration of Helsinki. In addition, the papers must have the authorization of the Bioethics Committee of the Institution where the research was carried out, and indicate it in the “Material and Method” section, including the authorization reference.

Submission of manuscripts


Papers sent to Padel Scientific Journal for review and possible publication will be processed through the platform and must have the following format:

Throughout the document, the font will be Arial, size of 12 points and single line spacing. The numbering of continuous lines will be necessary to facilitate the location of the comments by the reviewers.

The top and bottom margins will be 2.5 cm, and the lateral margins will be 2 cm. No tabs or empty spaces between paragraphs should be included.

Author identification data file (presentation page):

All articles must include a separate file with the following information:

- Title of the work: both in Spanish and English language.

- Authorship: international search engines use the family name by default. It´s advisable to indicate a single family name or join both family names with a hyphen. Orcid Code of the authors will be necessary to include.

- Affiliations: of all the authors

- Finally, the authors must include the corresponding author´s data, institution, postal address, and email address. This file will be named “authorship data”

Manuscript archive:

This archive or document must again contain the title of the paper (Spanish and English), abstract of the paper, which briefly includes the objectives, material and methods, main results and the conclusions derives from it. After the summary, some key words (between 3 and 6) must be entered. Both the abstract and the keywords must be included in Spanish and English. The abstract should not exceed 400 words.

The structure of the articles varies depending on the type of work in question and the section to which it is assigned. In this sense, the works directed to the originals section must include: Introduction; Material and methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgments (if necessary), Funding; and Bibliographical References.

On the other hand, the papers directed to the reviews and didactic and/or professional experiences section will be structured in the sections that the authors consider necessary, including the sections of: Acknowledgments (if necessary) and bibliography.

Bibliographic References: The papers sent to Padel Scientific Journal must be prepared in accordance to APA style, following the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition (, and including the DOI of each reference (with https://). These references must be ordered alphabetically. In order to facilitate the reading of the article, references in the text with more than two authors should be indicated from the first time they appear as (first author et al., year). References to only two authors must be shown as (author and author, year).

Tables, illustrations and graphs must be inserted in the text, in the corresponding place. Tables and figures must be included in editable format and not as an image. Images must be included in .JPG or .TIFF format. In the values of the tables, a period must be used instead of a comma to indicate the decimals. Also, when the value is 0, it should not appear (for example: .67 instead of 0.67).

Include, if necessary, a section of acknowledgments and/or funding, before the bibliographical references, after the conclusions section.